Gas/Electric Distribution Network Analysis Enhancement Project (NB)
Staff is requesting the purchase of MiddleLink, an Advantica, Inc. licensed extension to the base SynerGEE-Electric software, and associated customization/configuration services, that will enable the extraction of network information directly from the electric GIS network model.
Energy Delivery currently uses the SynerGEE-Electric software application, provided by Advantica, Inc., for the analysis and modeling of the electric distribution network. Currently, the SynerGEE-Electric network model is maintained in parallel with the GIS network model, resulting in a duplication of model maintenance. The purchase of MiddleLink, an Advantica, Inc. licensed extension to the base SynerGEE-Electric software, and associated customization/configuration services, will enable the extraction of network information directly from the electric GIS network model.
Similar analysis/modeling functionality is required for analysis and modeling of the gas distribution network, which has experienced significant growth in the past several years. This functionality will be provided by the Advantica, Inc. SynerGEE-Gas software application. The gas distribution network has expanded to a size inconsistent with manual calculations. The purchase of Model Builder, an Advantica, Inc. licensed extension to the base SynerGEE-Gas software, and associated customization/configuration services, will perform a function similar to MiddleLink for the electric version, allowing extraction of network information directly from the gas GIS network model.
Although there are gas distribution analysis/modeling software systems available from other vendors, Energy Delivery staff have been very satisfied, for over twenty years, with the electric distribution system analysis/modeling software from Advantica, Inc. The gas software user interface has a similar 'look and feel' to the electric software; Energy Del...
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