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File #: 000146    Version: 0 Name: Revisions to the Regional Transit System Transit Center Project (B)
Type: Discussion Item Status: Passed
File created: 7/10/2000 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 7/10/2000
Title: Revisions to the Regional Transit System Transit Center Project - (B)
Attachments: 1. 000146_Regional Transit Center Project_20000710
Revisions to the Regional Transit System Transit Center Project - (B)

On May 8, 2000, the City Commission referred the issue of the Regional Transit Center Project to the Regional Transit System (RTS ) Advisory Board, Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), Downtown Redevelopment Advisory Board (DRAB), Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO), Sprout Task Force, East Gainesville Development Task Force, Gainesville Downtown Owners & Tenants (GDOT), and Community Development staff to make recommendations on the following: 1) should the Federal Transit Administration grant money be used to purchase new buses or should it be used for the initially proposed transit center; 2) is the initially proposed transit center location suitable, if not, suggest an alternative location and; 3) should the City keep the property that was purchased for the transit center for other uses, or sell it.

The issue was referred to the MTPO Technical and Citizens Advisory Committees (TAC and CAC, respectively). On May 24th, Mr. Jeff Logan, RTS Director, met with the TAC and the CAC to discuss the need to replace the RTS fleet due to the age and condition of the vehicles and to use the Transit Center funds to purchase vehicles. Also discussed was the suitability of the proposed site as a transfer center and if the site should be sold or developed for other uses. Both the TAC and the CAC passed the same motion; That the MTPO forward the following comments to the City Commission: 1) use the Federal Transit Administration grant money to purchase new buses, rather than construct the initially proposed transit center; 2) have the suitability of the transit center studied as part of an RTS Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA); and 3) keep the property that was purchased for the transit center and continue to designate it for use as a transit center. The MTPO met on June 8th and approved the motion to forward those comments to the City of Gaines...

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