College Park and University Heights Streetscape Guidelines (B)
On August 2, 2000, the College Park University Heights Redevelopment Advisory Board discussed the Guidelines for the University Heights and College Park Neighborhoods that have been developed by Dover, Kohl & Partners, and requested that the CRA recommend that the City Commission approve the University Heights and College Park Neighborhoods Streetscape Guidelines in concept, and request additional wording discouraging commuter parking structures, and encouraging the planting of trees. Some of the members expressed concern regarding the language on page six, section 7, entitled "Trees and Shade," and on page two, section 1, entitled "The Building to Street Relationship." On August 21, 2000, the CRA approved the CPUH recommendation with a modification.
Fiscal Note
Community Redevelopment Agency to the City Commission: 1) omit the first three sentences on page six, section 7, entitled "Trees and Shade"; and 2) approve the University Heights and College Park Neighborhoods Streetscape Guidelines in concept.