Grant Application for a Sound System for Division of Cultural Affairs Events (NB)
This item involves a request to authorize submission of an application by the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department for a grant from the Alachua County Tourist Product Development Program to purchase a sound system for use at various Cultural Affairs events/venues.
The Cultural Affairs Division of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs wishes to submit a grant application to the Alachua County Tourist Product Development Program for funds to purchase a sound system for use at various Cultural Affairs venues/events that could include events at the Bo Diddley Community Plaza, the Thomas Center and the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire. The grant request is for the sum of $25,000. Alachua County has established the Tourism Product Development Capital Construction fund for the express purpose of providing funding to local public or not-for-profit organizations that require funding to build, renovate, enhance, expand and/or repair a facility that is directly targeted to growing the tourism economy in Alachua County. The Division of Cultural Affairs received grant funding from the Alachua County Tourist Product Development Fund in 2008 and 2009.
Fiscal Note
No matching funds are required
The City Commission: 1) approve the submission of a grant application to Alachua County Tourist Product Development Program; 2) authorize the City Manager to execute the application; and 3) if awarded, authorize the City Manager to execute the grant agreement and other grant-related documents subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation
The City Commission decline the request to submit a grant application to the Alachua County Tourist Product Development Program.