Purchase of Two Heavy Duty Transport Truck Tractor Chassis (B)
The Water Reclamation Facilities and Lift Station Department utilize a transport truck tractor chassis to transport sludge residuals from Main Street WRF, Kanapaha WRF, the University of Florida and the cities of Hawthorne and Waldo to the Alachua County Landfill. The tractor is also used to transport Sodium Hydroxide and leachate as required.
The Wastewater Collection Department utilizes a transport truck tractor chassis to transport equipment to job sites for various GRU departments. The existing transport truck tractor chassis for each of these departments have reached the end of their useful life. Some of the equipment that is transported is too heavy to be hauled on currently owned equipment. The new tractor chassises will safely be able to carry GRU's equipment.
Invitations to Bid were sent by Utilities Purchasing to six prospective bidders, with all six companies responding. One bid was determined to be non-responsive because it did not meet material requirements. A bid tabulation is attached for your information.
The City Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order in the amount of $163,424 to Tom Nehl Truck Company for the purchase of two heavy duty transport truck tractor chassises for the Water Reclamation Facilities and the Wastewater Collection Department.
Fiscal Note
Funds for this purchase have been included in the FY02 Water Reclamation Facilities and Wastewater Collection Budgets.
Prepared by: Robert D. McVay, Assistant General Manager for Water/Wastewater Systems
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager