Bid Award - SW 6th Street Reconstruction (SW 5th Ave - W. University Ave) (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission to authorize the bid award to Florida Safety Contractors, Inc. for the construction of the SW 6th Street Reconstruction (SW 5th Ave - W. University Ave) Project.
On June 5th, 2017 the Purchasing Division solicited bids for the SW 6th Street Reconstruction (SW 5th Ave - W. University Ave) Project. A non-mandatory pre-bid conference was held on June 26th, at 8:00 a.m. at City Hall. A total of six (6) vendors attended the conference. All bids were due at 3:00 p.m. on July 18th, 2017. A total of five (5) bids were received.
The Public Works Department recommends awarding this contract to Florida Safety Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $2,896,000.00 for roadway construction. Decorative street lighting was bid as an alternate item. The installation of street lights to the current standard (Capella Street Lighting) adds an additional $436,975.00 to the project cost. Florida Safety Contractors, Inc. was determined to be the lowest responsible, responsive bidder as stipulated by the City’s competitive bidding process.
As part of the Capital Improvement Plan CIP and SMU funding was allocated for the reconstruction of SW 6th Street from SW 5th Avenue to W. University Avenue. Funding from Tree Mitigation as well as the UF Context Fund for Rail/Trail Improvements has also been designated for this project.
Fiscal Note
The Public Works Department currently has $1,408,160.00 for this project. The Public Works Department is also recommending the following fund reallocations to fully fund this project:
• $1,125,000.00 in the N.E. 2nd Street Reconstruction fund (estimated project cost is over $3.5 million);
• $500,823.00 unused CIP funds from the N.W. 8th Avenue project; and
• $379,000.00 unused LOGT Funds from the N.W. 8th Avenue project.
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