Alachua County Long Term Transportation Concurrency Management System Update (B)
This item provides an update to the City Commission regarding Alachua County's proposed Long Term Concurrency Management System.
On October 2, 2008, Alachua County Growth Management staff made an initial presentation to the City Commission regarding a proposed Long Term Transportation Concurrency Management System. The system is intended to resolve transportation level of service (LOS) problems primarily occurring in the western unincorporated area of Alachua County. City staff commented on several aspects of the proposed long term concurrency management system and the City Commission requested a number of follow up actions.
Subsequent to the October 2nd City Commission meeting, County staff and City staff did meet to discuss specific proposed Comprehensive Plan language designed to implement the proposed long term concurrency management system. In addition, City staff has participated in two Alachua County Plan Commission meetings (April/May) in order to provide relevant comments as well.
On May 20, 2009, the Alachua County Plan Commission did make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to adopt the Comprehensive Plan language at a transmittal hearing. A workshop was held by the Board of County Commissioners on August 4, 2009 regarding the matter. On August 25, 2009, the Board of County Commissioners held a transmittal hearing on the Comprehensive Plan and voted to move it forward to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA).
Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact at this time
The City Commission: (1) hear a brief presentation by Alachua County staff on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment; and, 2) provide direction to City staff regarding comments to be forwarded to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) per the transmittal review process.