Human Resources Policy G-7: Use of Information Technology Systems (B)
This item is to amend Human Resources Policy G-7: Use of Information Technology Systems, to align the policy with current use of technology systems and resources.
The pace at which technology changes requires policy and procedures be routinely reviewed and modified as the evolution of technology dictates.
As cloud/Software as a Service technology become more common place, it is necessary to revisit the G7- Use of Technology Policy to reflect the introduction of these offerings. The policy as written contains language that would inhibit the City’s flexibility to engage such services.
The rewrite of the G7 policy has a direct impact to the project efforts currently underway which introduces a cloud based experience for the Microsoft product suite. The first phase of the implementation is targeted to begin November 2018, with the rollout of Office 365 (O365) and OneDrive capability to the organization.
Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact.
Approve revision to Human Resources Policy G-7: Use of Information Technology Systems.