US Fire Administration Fire Prevention and Safety Grant (NB)
Gainesville Fire Rescue (GFR) is preparing a grant application to implement the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Risk, Hazard, and Value Evaluation (RHAVE) program and to purchase a Combination Sprinkler/Fire Safety House. Both projects meet the goals of the grant program and GFR's community fire safety programs.
RHAVE is a data model to forecast levels of service based on demographics, socio-economic factors, occupancy risk, and fire management zones. GFR will add the data to the GIS mapping program to evaluate emergency management needs, pre-planning, public education, and inspection priorities. Data will be shared with other entities and City departments such as Community Development, Building Inspections and the Gainesville Police Department.
The second component of the grant is a Combination Sprinkler/Fire Safety House. The portable trailer will provide hazard simulations in a safe environment to teach fire behavior, appropriate actions for fire, severe weather, accidental injuries, or other emergencies to a primary audience of children, elderly, special needs and high risk groups.
The combined grant for RHAVE and the Combination Sprinkler/Fire Safety House meets two significant city and department goals; (1) improved planning for future services by modeling service demands, (2) use of preventive education as a tool to change behavior, reducing both injuries and damage, while reducing or forestalling increased demands on public resources.
Fiscal Note
The total grant is $125,759. Funds for the 30% match of $37,728 would require an FY 2005 budget amendment. (The Combination Sprinkler/Fire Safety House project is $67,759 with a local match of $20,328. The RHAVE Project is $58,000 with a local match of $17,400.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager to: 1) apply for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program for ...
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