Change Order No. 3 for Additional Costs for the West Pond at Depot Park (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to approve Change Order No. 3 for additional compensation to Watson Construction Company, Inc. The magnitude and types of contaminants discovered on the project site will require Watson Construction Company, Inc., to incur additional costs in order to accomplish the remediation work.
The additional costs are for excavating and handling the coal tar and petroleum contaminants discovered in the project site. This Change Order includes materials, labor, and equipment costs to: 1) excavate and contain approximately 5,590 tons of petroleum contaminated soil and 6,997 tons of coal tar contaminated soil on the project site, and 2) to restore the disturbed excavation areas.
Fiscal Note
The total cost for modifying the current purchase order is $197,325.30. The City's Stormwater Management Utility Fund (SMUF) and GRU's Gas Utility Fund will share the additional costs as follows: SMUF will fund $80,762.90, and the Gas Utility will fund $116,562.40.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) approve the Change Order request for the additional costs for the West Pond at Depot Park project remediation work; and 2) authorize the City Manager to issue a modified purchase order not to exceed $1,619,567.30, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission reject the Change Order, which will result in insufficient funding for materials, equipment, and labor to complete the necessary remediation work.