Ordinance No. 0-08-09
An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending Chapter 14 relating to the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program; by adding definitions in section 14-1; by deleting existing section 14-6 in its entirety and replacing with new section 14-6 creating and establishing an Affordable Housing Advisory Committee; by deleting existing section 14-7 and replacing with a new section 14-7 providing for the adoption of local housing initiative strategies; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
During the 2007 legislative session, legislation was passed that required municipalities to re-establish their local affordable housing advisory committees. Pursuant to s. 420.9072 and s. 420.9076, Florida Statutes, municipalities seeking approval to receive their share of State Housing Initiative Partnership Program (SHIP) funds must adopt an ordinance creating an affordable housing assistance committee ("AHAC"), establishing the terms of the AHAC members, defining the duties of the AHAC and providing for the adoption of local housing initiative strategies. Pursuant to state law, the AHAC must consist of 11 members with specific qualifications as set forth in the proposed ordinance.
Pursuant to state law, the AHAC shall review the established policies and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations, and adopted local government comprehensive plan of the appointing municipalities and shall recommend specific actions or initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing while protecting the ability of the property to appreciate in value. The initial AHAC report of recommendations must be submitted to the City Commission by December 31, 2008 and e...
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