Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Feasibility Study Final Draft Report (B)
This item is a request to receive the BRT Feasibility Study final draft report from RTS staff and the Center for Urban Development (CUTR).
RTS and CUTR would like to present their findings and receive input and direction from the City Commission on the BRT Feasibility Study final draft report. With City Commission approval, RTS will seek funds to conduct an Alternatives Analysis on the BRT preferred corridor.
RTS will present the BRT Feasibility Study and receive final comments from all Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) standing committees on February 23, 2010, and the MTPO on March 15, 2010.
Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact to the City of Gainesville at this time.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) authorize RTS to initiate an Alternatives Analysis for the BRT selected corridor; and 2) authorize RTS to seek funds to conduct an Alternatives Analysis.