Contract Award to WW Gay Mechanical Contractor Inc., for HVACR and Air Compressor Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services at Regional Transit System Facilities (B)
This item is a request to approve the recommended award and execute a contract with WW Gay Mechanical Contractor Inc., for HVACR and Air Compressor Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services at Regional Transit System Facilities.
On June 15, 2017, the City’s Purchasing Division solicited an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for HVACR and Air Compressor Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services at Regional Transit System Facilities. The ITB process was implemented in compliance with, and as required by, Florida Statutes and City of Gainesville policies.
One (1) proposal was submitted by the deadline. After review by staff it was determined the bid received from WW Gay Mechanical Contractor Inc., meets all requirements and specifications.
RTS desires to enter into a contract for five (5) years with WW Gay Mechanical Contractor Inc., not to exceed $58,800 annually for the HVACR and Air Compressor preventative maintenance portion of the contract. Unscheduled repair services that are not included within the scope of the preventive maintenance portion of the contract will be performed at the hourly rates, and materials, parts and equipment at cost plus 10% markup in accordance with the Invitation To Bid and proposal.
Fiscal Note
Funds in the amount of $88,800 annually are available in the RTS operating budget for these services ($58,800 for the preventative maintenance and $30,000 for repairs).
The City Commission: 1) award the bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder; and 2) authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute a contract, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.