Subordination of Utility Interest to the State of Florida Department of Transportation; Section 26090-2504, State Road 24, Parcel No. 817.2
Subordination of Utility Interest to the State of Florida Department of Transportation; Section 26090-2504, State Road 24, Parcel No. 817.2
The State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has requested the City to subordinate its interests in a parcel of land located at 3020 SW Archer Road. This request is in conjunction with the relocation of FDOT's drainage facilities to facilitate the owner's development of the site.
FDOT obtained a Drainage Easement for the placement of a drainage ditch on this property in 1975. Subsequently the City of Gainesville was granted a Blanket Public Utilities Easement over this property in 1977. At the owner's request, FDOT has agreed to relocate the drainage ditch on the property to facilitate the development of the site. This relocation is contingent upon the owner granting FDOT a new Drainage Easement over the new location and the City of Gainesville's subordination of their easement rights granted in 1977 to the new drainage easement.
This request has been reviewed and approved by Gainesville Regional Utilities staff.
The City Commission: 1) approve the Subordination of Utility Interests to the State of Florida Department of Transportation; and 2) authorize the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to execute the same, subject to approval by the City Attorney.
Prepared by Patricia A. Moore, Utilities Administrative Services Director
Submitted by Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager