Single Family Neighborhood Issues - Underage Drinking (B)
This item is related to File #060255 and #050635
On November 14, 2005 the City Commission referred Over-Occupancy in Single Family Neighborhoods to both the Community Development and Public Safety Committees. Several items have already been jointly reported out to the City Commission, however, each committee had remaining referrals to discuss. This item is one of the three referrals pending with Public Safety.
Underage Drinking: The joint committees discussed the impact of open house parties on single family neighborhoods and heard from citizens the concerns related to underage drinking. The Public Safety Committee asked police department staff to provide a report on underage drinking and their enforcement and prevention efforts.
The Public Safety Committee received the report from the Gainesville Police Department at their August 17, 2006 meeting and additionally heard from the University of Florida and Committee members on current alcohol initiatives. The University of Florida sponsors the University Community Alcohol Coalition and the Campus Committee on Alcohol and Drugs. Additionally, city and university staff attend meetings of the Gainesville Responsible Hospitality Partnership, geared toward educating the alcohol establishments and their employees on underage drinking, proper i.d. checks, etc.
The City Commission 1) accept the Public Safety Committee's informational report on underage drinking and alcohol enforcement and prevention and 2) remove this item from the pending referral list.