Request for City Commission Contingency Funds to support a Community Hunger Summit (B)
This is a request from Alachua County to match the County's contribution for a Community Hunger Summit to be held on September 18, 2008.
Earlier this year, a group of concerned individuals requested the City and County sponsor a town meeting (hunger summit) regarding hunger issues in the community. A planning committee consisting of representatives from each of the cosponsor organizations (Alachua County, City of Gainesville, United Way of North Central Florida, Department of Children and Families and School Board of Alachua County), as well as other interested community members, has been working to organize the summit. The committee has decided to hold the summit at the Martin Luther King Multi-Purpose Center on the morning of September 18, 2008, based on the availability of County Commission Chair Rodney Long and Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan, who have agreed to co-chair the event.
Alachua County has requested that the City of Gainesville match the County's contribution of up to $2,000 to cover the out-of-pocket costs associated with the hunger summit. Those costs include: A professional facilitator ($400), sound system rental ($700), refreshments ($600), Martin Luther King Multi-Purpose Center rental ($400), travel costs for the keynote and other out-of-town speakers ($800), meeting participant materials ($800), and other incidental costs ($300). In addition to contributing monetarily towards the hunger summit, Alachua County will provide the necessary staff to set up and take down the tables, seating and other equipment for the summit. County staff is also handling organizational aspects of the summit, including mailing of invitations and printing of summit materials.
Fiscal Note
Alachua County is requesting up to $2,000, which would come from the City Commission Contingency Fund. The Fund balance as of June 17, 2008 was appr...
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