2019-2020 State Financial Assistance Identity Theft and Fraud Grant Program (NB)
This is a request for the City Commission to authorize the Gainesville Police Department to proceed in the application process for the FY 2019 - 2020 State Financial Assistance Identity Theft and Fraud Grant Program.
The City of Gainesville Police Department is eligible for an award through Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Office of Criminal Justice Grants for the Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 State Financial Assistance Identity Theft and Fraud Grant Program. The grant program was created to provide support to local law enforcement agencies in the investigation of personal identification information theft and fraud. The grant amount is up to $10,000. The funds may be used for overtime hours of officers, equipment or supplies required for investigative purposes, procurement contracts, and travel and/or training.
Fiscal Note
The grant amount is up to $10,000. There is no match requirement and no fiscal impact on the General Fund Budget
The City Commission 1) authorize the City Manager to apply for, accept, and execute the grant award and any other necessary documents; 2) review by the City Attorney as to form and legality; 3) approve the expenditures as outlined in the approved grant award.