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File #: 210524.    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Recommendation Status: Passed
File created: 10/7/2021 In control: City Commission
On agenda: 10/21/2021 Final action: 10/21/2021
Title: Project Safe Neighborhood (B)
Attachments: 1. 210524_2021-PSNN-ALAC-1-3T-002_20211021


Project Safe Neighborhood (B)



The Gainesville Police Department (GPD) will use grant funds to support its Project Safe Neighborhood (PSN) initiative.  GPD will combine several evidence-based practices including Hot Spots Policing, Focused Deterrence Strategies, Group Violence Reduction Strategy (GVRS), INSPIRE Interrupters (similar to Cure Violence and Cease Fire initiatives). These practices target the specific criminal behavior committed by a small number of chronic offenders, such as youth gang members and/or repeat violent offenders. The strategies also reward compliance and nonviolent behavior among targeted offenders by providing positive incentives, such as access to social services and job opportunities.


Deliverable 1: Grant funds will be used to support overtime for officers to enhance both gun and gang crime investigations. Documentation to be provided upon request may include, but is not limited to: timesheets, payroll, and paystubs. Minimum performance is in accordance with the employment agreement, positions descriptions, and/or supervisor's command.


Deliverable 2: Grant funds will be used to contract with a third party for data analytics, evaluations, and data validation. Documentation to be provided upon request may include, but is not limited to:activity reports, data analysis reports, program evaluations, timesheets, canceled checks/statements, procurement records, invoices, etc. Minimum performance is in accordance with the agreement between the third party and the subrecipient.


Deliverable 3: Grant funds will be used to support case management services for violence interrupters. Documentation to be provided upon request may include, but is not limited to: activity reports, case logs, timesheets, invoices/pay stubs, canceled checks/statements, etc. Minimum performance is in accordance with the agreement between the violence interrupters and the subrecipient.


Deliverable 4: Grant funds will be used to purchase high resolution covert video cameras and license plate readers to be placed in hotspot locations. We will use existing infrastructure to attach the cameras and LPRs to. Documentation to be provided upon request may include, but is not limited to: invoices, purchase orders, canceled checks, statements, inventory records, etc.


Strategic Connection

This item is connected to Goal 5: Best in Class Neighbor Services and community engagement program enhancements which is a high priority


Fiscal Note

The total award of this grant is $126,143.00




The City Commission accept this grant authorize the City Manager to execute all agreements relating to the grant subject to the City Attorney's review as to form and legality.

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