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Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/23/2006 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Auditorium
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
050803 0 URBAN SERVICES REPORT - LOWE & BOYKIN/WARREN (B)OrdinanceURBAN SERVICES REPORT - LOWE & BOYKIN/WARREN (B) Ordinance No. 0-06-32 An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; adopting an Urban Services Report which sets forth the plans to provide urban services to an area comprised of Tax Parcels 06712-001-0001 and 06712-002-000, generally located south of Tax Parcel 06711-000-000 and the City limits, west of SW 35th Terrace and SW 19th Avenue, north of the vicinity of SW 20th Avenue, and east of the vicinity of SW 38th Terrace; the area is proposed for annexation by the City of Gainesville pursuant to Chapter 90-496, Special Acts, Laws of Florida, as amended, known as the Alachua County Boundary Adjustment Act; providing directions to the City Manager, the City Attorney and the Clerk of the Commission; providing a repealing clause; providing a severability clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050804 0 Settlement of Worker's Compensation Claim - Glover Hines (NB)Staff RecommendationSettlement of Worker's Compensation Claim - Glover Hines (NB) This item involves the full and final settlement of Mr. Hines worker's compensation claim, which will include all future medical and indemnity payments. The total settlement amount is $100,000 and represents a significant cost advantage to the City.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050806 0 Proposed Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Projects (B)Staff RecommendationProposed Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Projects (B) This item involves proposing a list of ten projects within the City of Gainesville to the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council's CEDS Strategy Committee that could be eligible for future Federal Economic Development Administration (EDA) funding. Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050844 0 Acceptance of Federal Homeland Security Grant Funds for Domestic Preparedness (NB)Staff Recommendation Acceptance of Federal Homeland Security Grant Funds for Domestic Preparedness (NB) Authorize the City Manager to execute existing and future contracts with the State of Florida for grant funding to support Fire Rescue Specialty Team Response and Training associated with the Florida Strategy for Homeland Security.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050846 0 Release of Easement to Westchester, LLC. (B)Staff RecommendationRelease of Easement to Westchester, LLC. (B) Staff is requesting approval of a Release of Easement to Westchester, LLC.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050847 0 Release of Easement to The Flanagan Companies, Inc. (B)Staff RecommendationRelease of Easement to The Flanagan Companies, Inc. (B) Staff is requesting that an easement granted to the City of Gainesville for the installation of electric utility facilities be released due to the relocation of the lines to an area where an easement is not needed.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050848 0 Architectural Services for Proposed Additions to Springhill Service Center (B)Staff RecommendationArchitectural Services for Proposed Additions to Springhill Service Center (B) Staff recommends approval of the final ranking of the architectural firms and authorization to negotiate a contract in accordance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA) for architectural and engineering services for proposed additions to the Springhill Service Center.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050852 0 Joint Meeting Alachua County/School Board (NB)Staff RecommendationJoint Meeting Alachua County Commission (NB)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050385 3 Master Calendar 2006 (B)Discussion ItemMaster Calendar 2006 (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050791. 0 Regional Utilities Committee (RUC) Outstanding Referral #050791 - Undergrounding Utilities in the Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street CRA Area (NB) Staff RecommendationRegional Utilities Committee (RUC) Outstanding Referral #050791 - Undergrounding Utilities in the Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street CRA Area (NB) Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050856 0 Elections (NB)Discussion ItemElections (NB)Heard  Action details Not available
050849. 0 Status of the Market Gainesville Partnership efforts to develop a Gainesville Community BrandprintTM (B)Discussion ItemStatus of the Market Gainesville Partnership Gainesville Community BrandPrint (B) This item is a report on the results of the Market Gainesville Partnership (MGP) effort to develop and implement a community-wide brand and marketing strategy for the Gainesville community.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050834 0 City Commission Strategic Planning Workshop Results (B)Discussion ItemCity Commission Strategic Planning Workshop Results (B) This item addresses the outcome of the City Commission's Strategic Planning workshop for Fiscal Year 2007 Goals and Objectives, which was held on December 2, 2005. Approved, as shown above as modified and amended  Action details Not available
050855 0 Commissioner Ed Braddy - Telework Consortium (NB)Discussion ItemCommissioner Ed Braddy - Telework Consortium (NB)Approved, as shown abovePass Action details Not available
050839 0 Commissioner Rick Bryant - Lifesouth Community Blood Center, Inc. (NB)Discussion ItemCommissioner Rick Bryant - Lifesouth Community Blood Center, Inc. (NB)Approved, as shown abovePass Action details Not available
050838 0 Commissioner Warren Nielsen - Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia and Downtown (NB)Discussion ItemCommissioner Warren Nielsen - Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia and Downtown (NB)Heard  Action details Not available
050873 0 Biomass Initiative Newsletter (B)Discussion ItemBiomass Initiative Newsletter (B) NOTE: This item was brought to the City Commission by Tom Cunilio during Citizen Comment.    Action details Not available
050840 0 Premier Productions Business Appreciation Day - January 23, 2006 (B)ProclamationPremier Productions Business Appreciation Day - January 23, 2006 (B)Heard  Action details Not available
050841 0 Gainesville Elks Lodge #990 One Hundred Year Anniversary - February 8, 2006 (B)ProclamationGainesville Elks Lodge #990 One Hundred Year Anniversary - February 8, 2006 (B)Placed on File  Action details Not available
050842 0 School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day - February 3, 2006 (B)ProclamationSchool Crossing Guard Appreciation Day - February 3, 2006 (B)Heard  Action details Not available
050843 0 National Blood Donor Month - January 2006 (B)ProclamationNational Blood Donor Month - January 2006 (B)Heard  Action details Not available
050488 1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - 309 NE 39TH AVENUE (B)OrdinanceCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - 309 NE 39TH AVENUE Ordinance No. 0-06-06, Petition 145LUC-05PB An ordinance amending the City of Gainesville 2000-2010 Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map; by changing the land use category of certain property from "Industrial" to "Commercial"; located in the vicinity of 309 Northeast 39th Avenue; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Adopted (Ordinance) and (Petition) on Adoption ReadingPass Action details Not available
050489 1 ZONING MAP ATLAS - 309 NE 39TH AVENUE (B)OrdinanceZONING MAP ATLAS – 309 NE 39TH AVENUE Ordinance No. 0-06-07, Petition No. 146ZON-05PB An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Zoning Map Atlas and rezoning certain property within the City from “I-1: Limited industrial district” to “BUS: General business district”; located in the vicinity of 309 Northeast 39th Avenue; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Approved (Petition) and Adopted on First Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
050652 1 URBAN SERVICES REPORT - DAUTEL (B)OrdinanceURBAN SERVICES REPORT - DAUTEL (B) Ordinance No. 0-06-26 An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; adopting an Urban Services Report which sets forth the plans to provide urban services to an area generally located south of the City limits, west of the vicinity of SW 34th Street and the City limits, north of the vicinity of SW 20th Avenue and east of SW 17th Street; the area is proposed for annexation by the City of Gainesville pursuant to Chapter 90-496, Special Acts, Laws of Florida, as amended, known as the Alachua County Boundary Adjustment Act; providing directions to the City Manager, the City Attorney and the Clerk of the Commission; providing a repealing clause; providing a severability clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on First Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
050786 0 URBAN SERVICES REPORT BEVILLE 2 (B)OrdinanceURBAN SERVICES REPORT - BEVILLE 2 (B) Ordinance No. 0-06-27 An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; adopting an Urban Services Report which sets forth the plans to provide urban services to an area generally located south of the City limits, west of SW 34th Street and the City limits, north of the City limits and east of Tax Parcel 06715-001-000; the area is proposed for annexation by the City of Gainesville pursuant to Chapter 90-496, Special Acts, Laws of Florida, as amended, known as the Alachua County Boundary Adjustment Act; providing directions to the City Manager, the City Attorney and the Clerk of the Commission; providing a repealing clause; providing a severability clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on First Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
050420 3 PUBLIC RECREATION BOARD NAME CHANGE (B)OrdinancePUBLIC RECREATION BOARD NAME CHANGE (B) Ordinance No. 0-06-19 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending Article III, Chapter 18, City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances, changing the name of the Public Recreation Board to the Public Recreation and Parks Board; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
050530 3 BOOTING FEES FOR UNPAID PARKING TICKETS (B)OrdinanceBOOTING FEES FOR UNPAID PARKING TICKETS (B) Ordinance No. 0-06-15 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending section 26-53 of the Code of Ordinances, to assess an administrative fee for the costs associated with booting unpaid parking ticket violators; amending the Traffic and Motor Vehicle section of Appendix A, Schedule of Fees, Rates and Charges to specify an administrative fee for booting unpaid parking ticket violators; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective dateAdopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
050801 0 APPENDIX A AMENDMENT (B)OrdinanceAPPENDIX A AMENDMENT (B) Ordinance No. 0-06-20 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances, relating to fees; amending section (5), Traffic and Motor Vehicles, Appendix A; restoring the criminal justice assessment to a $2 fee; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing a retroactive effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
050155 8 Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority (GACRAA) - Request to Transfer Title of Properties (NB)Discussion ItemGainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority (GACRAA) - Request to Transfer Title of Properties (NB) The Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority has requested that the City transfer property to the airport. The Community Development Committee has considered the issue and is making a recommendation back to the City Commission.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
050762 2 Proposed Airport Legislation (B)Discussion ItemProposed Airport Legislation (B) The City Commission referred to the Community Development Committee and Legislative Committee the issue of the Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority's proposed legislative filing. The Committees have discussed the issue and are making a recommendation back to the City Commission.Approved, as shown above - See Motion(s)Pass Action details Not available

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