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Meeting Name: Historic Preservation Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/3/2017 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Commission Auditiorium
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
170440. 1  Discussion ItemHistoric Preservation Board Attendance Roster: March 7, 2017 through September 5, 2017 (B)   Action details Not available
170439. 1  Discussion ItemDraft minutes of the September 5, 2017 Historic Preservation Board meeting (B)   Action details Not available
170337. 1  PetitionRe-roof a Residential Building with a Metal Roof (B) Petition HP-17-38. Shane Smalley, Atlantic Roofing, agent for Perry Properties, owners. Certificate of Appropriateness for installation of metal roofing. Located at 205 NE 3rd Street. This building is contributing to the Northeast Residential Historic District.   Action details Not available
170339. 1  PetitionRe-roof a Single-Family Dwelling with a Metal Roof (B) Petition HP-17-35. Ron Thomas and Denise Guerin, owners. Certificate of Appropriateness to re-roof a single-family dwelling with a metal roof. Located at 824 NE 4th Avenue. This building is contributing to the Northeast Residential Historic District.   Action details Not available
170436. 1  PetitionRe-Roof a Single-Family Dwelling with a Metal Roof (B) Petition HP-17-44. Hickman Metal Roofing, agent for Maura K. Brady. Re-roof a single-family dwelling with a metal roof. Located at 526 NE 6th Street. This building is contributing to the Northeast Residential Historic District.   Action details Not available
170437. 1  PetitionNortheast Residential Historic District -Replace Windows and Doors on Single-Family Dwelling at 425 NE 10th Avenue (B) Petition HP-17-47. Carol F. Barron, agent for Randi H. Cameon. Replacement of windows and doors on a single-family dwelling. Located at 425 NE 10th Avenue. This building is contributing to the Northeast Residential Historic District.   Action details Not available
170438. 1  OrdinanceQUASI-JUDICIAL - HISTORIC PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION - 415 NW 4th Street (B) Ordinance No. 170438 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, finding that property located at 415 NW 4th Street, Gainesville, Florida, as more specifically described in this ordinance, qualifies for an ad valorem tax exemption for historic properties; granting an exemption from ad valorem tax for certain improvements beginning January 1, 2018, and continuing for 10 years under certain conditions; authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk of the Commission to sign the Historic Preservation Property Tax Exemption Covenant between the property owner and the City; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.   Action details Not available
170342. 1  Discussion ItemReview of a Dangerous Building Designation for a Single-Family Structure (B) Information Item A. Dangerous building designation by Code Enforcement for a principle structure located at 507 NW 2nd Street.   Action details Not available

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