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Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/10/2007 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Auditorium
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
070674. 0 Bellsouth (AT&T) Easement Exchange at Depot Park (B)Staff RecommendationBellsouth (AT&T) Easement Exchange at Depot Park (B) This item involves the exchange of utility easements with AT&T, formerly known as Bell South. Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070703. 0 Request to Name a Tot Lot (B)Staff RecommendationRequest to Name a Tot Lot (B) This item involves a request to name the Tot Lot located at the corner of NE 4th Avenue and NE 15th Street C. F. Franklin Memorial Park.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070730. 0 Second Extension to the Contract for Inmate Work Crew for the Solid Waste Division (B)Staff RecommendationSecond Extension to the Contract for Inmate Work Crew for the Solid Waste Division (B) This item involves a renewal of the agreement between the City of Gainesville (City) and Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) for Inmate Work Crew for Litter Clean-up for the term of December 16, 2007 through December 15, 2008.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070732. 0 Fire Grant Application Operation Safe Club (B)Staff RecommendationFire Grant Application Operation Safe Club (B) This item requests permission for the City Manager or designee to submit an application to the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (AFG) for Fire Prevention and Safety Grants (FP&S) for 2008.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070735. 0 HVAC Maintenance, Repair Services and Replacement for GRU Facilities (NB)Staff RecommendationHVAC Maintenance, Repair Services and Replacement for GRU Facilities (NB) Staff recommends extending the contract with Johnson Controls, Inc. for HVAC maintenance and repair services. Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070736. 0 City Commission Minutes (B)Staff RecommendationCity Commission Minutes (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070733. 0 Resignation of City Beautification Board Member Rocky Lee (B)Staff RecommendationResignation of City Beautification Board Member Rocky Lee (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070734. 0 Resignation of Gainesville Energy Advisory Committee Member Wendell A. Porter (B)Staff RecommendationResignation of Gainesville Energy Advisory Committee Member Wendell A. Porter (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070632. 1 Gainesville Police Department Video Production Unit Equipment Upgrade (B)Staff RecommendationGainesville Police Department Video Production Unit Equipment Upgrade (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070213 2 GRU Financial and Debt Service Issues (NB)Staff RecommendationGRU Financial and Debt Service Issues (NB)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070696. 1 Review of Gainesville Police Department (GPD) Overtime (B)Staff RecommendationReview of Gainesville Police Department (GPD) Overtime (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070698. 1 Review of General Fund Forecasted Revenues and Other Sources of Funds for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2008 (B)Staff RecommendationReview of General Fund Forecasted Revenues and Other Sources of Funds for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2008 (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070699. 1 Payroll Verification Procedures for Fiscal Year 2007 (B)Staff RecommendationPayroll Verification Procedures for Fiscal Year 2007 (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070700. 1 Review of General Government Cash Receipts for Fiscal Year 2007 (B)Staff RecommendationReview of General Government Cash Receipts for Fiscal Year 2007 (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070707. 0 Public School Concurrency (B)Discussion ItemPublic School Concurrency (B) The Community Development Committee referred the report on public school concurrency back to the City Commission. ReferredPass Action details Not available
070398. 1 Security for the One Stop Center at 3335 N. Main Terrace (NB)Discussion ItemSecurity for the One-Stop Center at 3335 North Main Terrace (B) This item responds to the August 27, 2007, City Commission referral concerning security for the proposed one-stop homeless assistance center.Approved as AmendedPass Action details Not available
070631. 0 Responses to RFP for Supplemental Shelter and Services (B)Discussion ItemResponses to RFP for Supplemental Shelter and Services (B) Purchasing staff has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from local agencies to provide additional shelter and services to address the needs of the homeless during the upcoming winter months. Responses to the RFP received on November 19, 2007, will be presented to the City Commission for its consideration.Approved as AmendedPass Action details Not available
070528. 1 Nuclear Energy Option and Recommendation #070528 (NB)Staff RecommendationNuclear Energy Option and Recommendation #070528 (NB) This item is to request removal of an outstanding referral.Discussed  Action details Not available
040711 3 2007 Orange Creek Basin Management Action Plan - Letter of Commitment (B)Discussion Item2007 Orange Creek Basin Management Action Plan - Letter of Commitment (B) This item involves a request for the City Commission to authorize the City Manager to execute a letter of commitment on behalf of the City of Gainesville to participate in the planning and implementation of the 2007 Orange Creek Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP).Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070746. 0 Expansion of GRU Services to the City of Archer (NB)Discussion ItemExpansion of GRU Services to the City of Archer (NB)ReferredPass Action details Not available
070747. 0 Senior Recreation Facility (NB)Discussion ItemSenior Recreation Facility (NB) The City Commission referred the issue of a Senior Recreation Facility (relating to item #070827 Senior Recreation Center Endorsement) to the Recreation, Cultural Affairs, and Public Works Committee.ReferredPass Action details Not available
070741. 0 Amendment to the City of Gainesville's 2008 State Legislative Agenda (B)Discussion ItemAmendment to the City of Gainesville's 2008 State Legislative Agenda (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
070656. 0 Modern Shoe Repair Shop Month - December 2007 (B)ProclamationModern Shoe Repair Shop Month - December 2007 (B)Heard  Action details Not available
070514. 1 VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION - CITY-OWNED & STATE OF FLORIDA TREEO (B)OrdinanceVOLUNTARY ANNEXATION - CITY-OWNED & STATE OF FLORIDA TREEO (B) Ordinance No. 0-07-93 An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, annexing a portion of the City of Gainesville Reserve Area pursuant to Chapter 90-496, Special Act, Laws of Florida, as amended by Chapter 91-382 and Chapter 93-347, Special Acts, Laws of Florida, known as the Alachua County Boundary Adjustment Act; making certain findings; including within the corporate limits of the City of Gainesville, Florida, that certain compact and contiguous area comprised of Tax Parcels 06837-001-000, a portion of 06845-000-000, and a portion of 06837-000-000, as more specifically described in this Ordinance, generally located south of the vicinity of SW 20th Avenue, west of the City limits and SW 63rd Boulevard, north of the City limits and SW 41st Place, and east of the City limits and the vicinity of SW 75th Street; providing for inclusion of the area in Appendix I of the City Charter; providing for land use and zoning regulations; providing for persons engaged in any occupation, business, trade or profession within thAdopted on First Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
070661. 0 URBAN SERVICES REPORT OF PORTION OF BUTLER PLAZA SOUTHWEST AREA (B)OrdinanceURBAN SERVICES REPORT OF PORTION OF BUTLER PLAZA SOUTHWEST AREA (B) Ordinance No. 0-07-104 An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; adopting an Urban Services Report which sets forth the plans to provide urban services to an area generally located south of SW 33rd Place and Windmeadows Boulevard, west of SW 35th Boulevard, north of SW Archer Road and the City limits, and east of the vicinity of SW 40th Boulevard and Interstate 75, as more specifically described in this ordinance; the area is proposed for annexation by the City of Gainesville pursuant to Chapter 90-496, Special Acts, Laws of Florida, as amended, known as the Alachua County Boundary Adjustment Act; providing directions to the City Manager, the City Attorney and the Clerk of the Commission; providing a repealing clause; providing a severability clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
070633. 0 HISTORIC PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM CERTAIN AD VALOREM TAXATION; 205 SE 7th STREET (B)OrdinanceHISTORIC PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM CERTAIN AD VALOREM TAXATION; 205 SE 7th STREET (B) ORDINANCE NO. 0-07-99 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, finding that property located at 205 SE 7th Street, Gainesville, Florida, as more specifically described in this ordinance, qualifies for an ad valorem tax exemption for historic properties; granting an exemption from ad valorem tax on certain improvements beginning January 1, 2008, and continuing for 10 years; authorizing the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to sign the Historic Preservation Property Tax Exemption Covenant between the applicant and the City; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
070635. 0 HISTORIC PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM CERTAIN AD VALOREM TAXATION; 105 SE 7th STREET (B)OrdinanceHISTORIC PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM CERTAIN AD VALOREM TAXATION; 105 SE 7th STREET (B) ORDINANCE NO. 0-07-100 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, finding that property located at 105 SE 7th Street, Gainesville, Florida, as more specifically described in this ordinance, qualifies for an ad valorem tax exemption for historic properties; granting an exemption from ad valorem tax on certain improvements beginning January 1, 2008, and continuing for 10 years; authorizing the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to sign the Historic Preservation Property Tax Exemption Covenant between the applicant and the City; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
070636. 0 HISTORIC PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM CERTAIN AD VALOREM TAXATION; 725 NE 1st STREET (B)OrdinanceHISTORIC PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM CERTAIN AD VALOREM TAXATION; 725 NE 1st STREET (B) ORDINANCE NO. 0-07-101 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, finding that property located at 725 NE 1st Street, Gainesville, Florida, as more specifically described in this ordinance, qualifies for an ad valorem tax exemption for historic properties; granting an exemption from ad valorem tax on certain improvements beginning January 1, 2008, and continuing for 10 years; authorizing the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to sign the Historic Preservation Property Tax Exemption Covenant between the applicant and the City; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
070637. 0 HISTORIC PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM CERTAIN AD VALOREM TAXATION; 303 NE 8th AVENUE (B)OrdinanceHISTORIC PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM CERTAIN AD VALOREM TAXATION; 303 NE 8th AVENUE (B) ORDINANCE NO. 0-07-102 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, finding that property located at 303 NE 8th Avenue, Gainesville, Florida, as more specifically described in this ordinance, qualifies for an ad valorem tax exemption for historic properties; granting an exemption from ad valorem tax on certain improvements beginning January 1, 2008, and continuing for 10 years; authorizing the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to sign the Historic Preservation Property Tax Exemption Covenant between the applicant and the City; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
070640. 2 ADDITION OF PRECINCT TO ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 3 (B)OrdinanceADDITION OF PRECINCT TO ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 3 (B) Ordinance No. 0-07-105 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, Chapter 9, Elections; amending Section 9-1.1 of the Code of Ordinances to add Precinct Number 48 to Election District No. 3; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
070676. 0 VEHICLES FOR HIRE (B)OrdinanceVEHICLES FOR HIRE (B) Ordinance No. 0-07-95 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville amending Chapter 28 Vehicles for Hire regulating vehicle-for-hire service within the City of Gainesville; amending the definition of vehicle-for-hire in Section 28-2; amending Section 28-3 to correct a scrivener's error and eliminate the requirement for audited financial statements, eliminating minimum number of vehicles requirement and clarifying criminal history requirements; amending Subsection (d) of Section 28-8 to consolidate medallion provisions; amending Section 28-8.5 by removing medallion language and redefining driver permit requirements; amending Section 28-11 related to liability insurance requirements; amending Section 28-21 related to city manager's right of inspection; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
070330. 1 Resolution and Housing Program Establishing the General Fund Displaced Mobile Home Owner/Tenant Assistance Program (B)ResolutionResolution and Housing Program Establishing the General Fund Displaced Mobile Home Owner/Tenant Assistance Program (B) This item proposes to create a program for displaced mobile home owners/tenants, of low and moderate incomes, who are relocating outside of the corporate limits of the City of Gainesville but within Alachua County. Adopted (Resolution), as amendedPass Action details Not available
070660. 3 TOWING FEES (B)ResolutionTOWING FEES (B) A resolution of the City Commission of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending and establishing the maximum trespass towing fees in accordance with section 14.5-30 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Gainesville, Florida; and providing an effective date.ReferredPass Action details Not available
070679. 1 GAINESVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY MEMBERS - FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE (B)ResolutionGAINESVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY MEMBERS - FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE (B) A resolution of the City Commission of the City of Gainesville, Florida, requiring members of the Gainesville Housing Authority to file annual statements of financial interest; providing directions to the Clerk of the Commission; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted (Resolution)Pass Action details Not available
070697. 1 Fourth Amendment to FY 2007 General Financial and Operating Plan Budget Resolution (B)ResolutionFourth Amendment to FY 2007 General Financial and Operating Plan Budget Resolution (B)Adopted (Resolution)Pass Action details Not available
070701. 1 Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Annual Audit Plan (B)ResolutionProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Annual Audit Plan (B)Adopted (Resolution)Pass Action details Not available
070447 0 LAND USE CHANGE - LANDMAR/PLUM CREEK (B)OrdinanceLAND USE CHANGE - PLUM CREEK (B) Ordinance No. 0-07-119, Petition 28LUC-07PB An Ordinance amending the City of Gainesville 2000-2010 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Plan and Map; changing the land use categories of certain property from the Alachua County land use category of "Rural/Agriculture" and the City of Gainesville land use category of "Agriculture" to the land use categories of "Single-Family (up to 8 units per acre)", "Residential Low-Density (up to 12 units per acre)," and "Conservation", and by overlaying the "Planned Use District" category over certain portions of the property, as more specifically described and shown in this ordinance, consisting of approximately 1778 acres; generally located north of U.S. 441 and Northwest 74th Place lying east and west of SR 121 and CR 231, and south of Northwest 121st Avenue; providing for time limitations; creating and adopting Policy 4.3.4; providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Approved (Petition), as recommended by staff, as amendedPass Action details Not available
070706. 0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT - GAINESVILLE AUTO TOWN CENTER (B)OrdinancePLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT – GAINESVILLE AUTO TOWN CENTER (B) Ordinance No. 0-07-120, Petition No. 69PDV-07PB An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; rezoning certain lands in the City, as more specifically described in this Ordinance, from “BUS: general business district” to “Planned Development”, commonly known as “Gainesville Auto Town Center”, located in the vicinity of the 3900 block of N. Main Street, west side; adopting a development plan report and development plan maps; providing conditions and restrictions; providing for enforcement and penalties; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Approved (Petition) with Staff Conditions as ModifiedPass Action details Not available

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