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Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final-Revised
Meeting date/time: 8/15/2019 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Auditorium
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
190261. 1  Discussion ItemCity Commission Minutes (B)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
190163. 1  Staff RecommendationAppointments to City Commission Advisory Boards and Committees (B)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
190192. 1 Rental Housing Committee Minutes (B)Discussion ItemRental Housing Committee Minutes (B)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
190194. 1  Discussion ItemCancellation of City Commission Meeting (NB)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
190187. 1  Discussion ItemJoint City Commission/Alachua County School Board Meeting (NB)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
190112. 1  Staff RecommendationAuthorization for the Construction of Unity Park, Renovation of the Flatwoods Conservation Area Trailhead and Demolition of NE 31st Avenue Park (B) This item is a request for the City Commission to approve the Guaranteed Maximum Price in the amount of $1,043,721 for the construction of Unity Park, renovation of the Flatwoods Conservation Area Trailhead and demolition of NE 31st Avenue Park with AKEA, Inc.Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
190113. 1  Staff RecommendationRequest to Rename a Neighborhood Park to “Oakview Park” (B) This item involves a request to rename Kiwanis/Girl Scout Park located at NW 8th Street & NW 8th Place to “Oakview Park.”Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
190160. 2  Staff RecommendationRegional Transit System (RTS) Proposed Fall 2019 Transit Service Changes (B) This is a request for the City Commission to review and approve the proposed Regional Transit System (RTS) Fall 2019 Service Changes.Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
190180. 2  Staff RecommendationInterlocal Agreement to Create a Joint Strategic Zero Waste Plan (B) Agreement between Alachua County and the City of Gainesville to contract with Kessler Consulting, Inc. to assist in creating a joint strategic plan to move the City and County toward a goal of Zero Waste. The City’s share of the Total Projected Budget for this work is $62,260.Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
190228. 1  Staff RecommendationAudit of the Internal Control and Data Security for the use of Driver's License and Motor Vehicle Record Data Exchange (B)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
190226. 1  Discussion ItemPatticakes on the Plaza Request to Sublease (B)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
190265. 1  Staff RecommendationEdward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY2019 Local Solicitation (B) This is a request for the City Commission to authorize the Gainesville Police Department to submit an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant FY2019 Local Solicitation application and to accept and execute the grant if awarded.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
180315. 3  Discussion ItemBroadband Study Next Steps (B)Discussed  Action details Not available
190278 1  OrdinanceRepeal of Ordinance Nos. 170487 and 190114 Relating to the Prohibition of Single-Use Carry Out Plastic Bags and Expanded Polystyrene Containers. (B) Ordinance No. 190278 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Code of Ordinances, by repealing Division 4 of Article III, Chapter 27 and amending Sec. 2-339, relating to the prohibition of single-use carry out plastic bags and expanded polystyrene containers; providing directions to the codifier; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Approved, as shown abovePass Action details Not available
190259. 1  Discussion ItemCommissioner Adrian Hayes-Santos - Discussion of Proposed Tax Levy (NB)Approved, as shown abovePass Action details Not available
190260. 1  Discussion ItemViolence Prevention in the City of Gainesville (B)Approved, as shown abovePass Action details Not available
190279. 1  Discussion ItemCommissioner Harvey Ward - Downtown Charrette (NB)Discussed  Action details Not available
190235. 1  Special RecognitionSpecial Recognition for Samuel Schatz the 2019 Keep Florida Beautiful Outstanding Youth Champion Award Recipient (B)Heard  Action details Not available
190237. 1  ProclamationCelebrate Women 2020 Month - March 2020 (B)Heard  Action details Not available
190236. 1  Special RecognitionSpecial Recognition for Support of Reichert House (B)Heard  Action details Not available
180153. 3  ResolutionCommunity ID Card Program (B)Adopted (Resolution)Pass Action details Not available
190184. 2  ResolutionDraft Resolution - Federal Immigration Enforcement (B) Resolution No. 190184 A resolution of the City of Gainesville, Florida, reiterating the City Commission commitment to being a safe and inclusive Welcoming City; directing Charter Officers to notify the City Commission if a federal, state or local agency requests City staff to comply with an immigration detainer and/or engage in federal immigration enforcement; and consider initiating litigation in the event the City is asked to comply with an immigration detainer and/or engage in federal immigration enforcement; and providing an effective date.Adopted (Resolution) as modifiedPass Action details Not available
180678. 5  OrdinanceProhibiting Single-Use Plastic Straws and Stirrers (B) Ordinance No. 180678 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Code of Ordinances to prohibit single-use plastic straws and single-use stirrers by creating a new Division 5 within Article III of Chapter 27; by amending Section 2-339 to provide a civil citation penalty; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date and an enforcement date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
181064. 2  OrdinanceVoluntary Annexation - 11.18 Acres of Property South of E University and West of SE 38th Street (B) Ordinance No. 181064 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, annexing approximately 11.18 acres of privately-owned property generally located south of E University Avenue, west of SE 38th Street, north of parcel numbers 10889-000-000 and 10893-015-000, and east of parcel number 10890-000-000, as more specifically described in this ordinance, as petitioned for by the property owner(s) pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida Statutes; making certain findings; providing for inclusion of the property in Appendix I of the City Charter; providing for land use plan, zoning, and subdivision regulations, and enforcement of same; providing for persons engaged in any occupation, business, trade, or profession; providing directions to the Clerk of the Commission; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
181001. 2  OrdinanceOrdinance Dissolving the Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency and Creating the Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area (B) Ordinance No. 181001 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, deleting in its entirety existing Chapter 2, Article V, Division 9 titled Community Redevelopment Agency, and replacing it with a new Chapter 2, Article V, Division 9 titled Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area in the City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; providing an effective date; and providing for dissolution of the Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency and transfer to and acceptance of its assets and liabilities by the City.Adopted on First Reading, as amended (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
181065. 2  OrdinanceVoluntary Annexation - 0.44 Acres of Property North of SW Archer Road and East of SW 50th Street (B) Ordinance No. 181065 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, annexing approximately 0.44 acres of privately-owned property generally located south of Oak Park Village and parcel number 06916-000-000, west of SW 47th Street, north of SW Archer Road, and east of SW 50th Street, as more specifically described in this ordinance, as petitioned for by the property owner(s) pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida Statutes; making certain findings; providing for inclusion of the property in Appendix I of the City Charter; providing for land use plan, zoning, and subdivision regulations, and enforcement of same; providing for persons engaged in any occupation, business, trade, or profession; providing directions to the Clerk of the Commission; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on First Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available

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Gainesville, FL 32601