| 0 | | COMP PLAN AMENDMENT - TRANSPORTATION MOBILITY ELEMENT (B) | Ordinance | COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - TRANSPORTATION MOBILITY ELEMENT (B) ORDINANCE NO. 0-01-19; PETITION NO. 146CPA-00 PB An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Transportation Mobility Element of the City of Gainesville 1991-2001 Comprehensive Plan; adding a goal and related objectives and policies to promote transportation choices, compact development, and a livable city; adding a goal and related objectives and policies to promote walking; adding a goal and related objectives and policies to promote an accessible and comfortable community transit system; adding a goal and related objectives and policies to promote bicycling; making minor amendments throughout; adding a goal and related objectives and policies to develop a trails network; adding goals and related objectives and policies to create livable streets that promote safety and quality of life and minimize single-occupant vehicle travel; adding a goal and related objectives and policies to promote accessibility to people with disabilities; making minor amendments throughout; providing directions to the city | Heard | |
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