| 1 | | Florida's Electric Reserve Margins RUC Referral Item #070487 (NB) | Staff Recommendation | Florida's Electric Reserve Margins RUC Referral Item #070487 (NB)
This was a referral to the Regional Utilities Committee. | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Utility Tier for the Elderly in Gainesville RUC Referral Item #080520 (NB)
| Staff Recommendation | Utility Tier for the Elderly in Gainesville RUC Referral Item #080520 (NB)
This was a referral to the Regional Utilities Committee. | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Monitor the Progress of the Clean-up of Cabot Carbon/Koppers Superfund Site - CCOM Strategic Initiative (NB) | Staff Recommendation | Status Update on the City Commission Strategic Initiative to Monitor the Progress of the Clean-up of Cabot Carbon/Koppers Superfund Site (NB) | Discussed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Develop a Coordinated Response at the Local Level to Addresss Energy Policy and Climate Change - CCOM Strategic Initiative (B) | Staff Recommendation | Status Update on the City Commission Strategic Initiative to Develop a Coordinated Response at the Local Level to Address Energy Policy and Climate Change (B)
Strategic initiatives have been referred to Standing Committees and the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), to promote efficient and effective communication streams between elected officials, city staff and Gainesville residents concerning the implementation of the City's Strategic Plan. This item is a request for the Regional Utilities Committee to receive an update on the progress of Strategic Initiative 7.3: Develop a coordinated response at the local level to address energy policy and climate change. | Discussed | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | | Project Share Program (NB) | Staff Recommendation | Regional Utilities Committee Referral Item #071064 - Project Share (NB) | Deferred | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | | GRU Rate Structure (NB) | Staff Recommendation | GRU Rate Structure, Item #070360 (NB) | Approved as Recommended | |
Action details
Not available