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Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/19/2016 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Auditorium
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
150188. 2 Alachua County’s Proposed Irrigation Efficiency Code (B)ResolutionLANDSCAPE IRRIGATION RESOLUTION (B) Resolution No. 150188 A Resolution of the City of Gainesville, Florida, requesting Alachua County to amend Alachua County Ordinance 2015-11, which created landscape irrigation design and maintenance regulations, to include the incorporated area of the City of Gainesville, until such time as the City of Gainesville should determine otherwise or choose to adopt a municipal ordinance for the same purpose; and providing an effective date.Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
150839. 1  ResolutionRESOLUTION - DECLARE AS SURPLUS CERTAIN CITY-OWNED REAL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO NEWNANS LAKE (B) Resolution No. 150839 This item is a request to declare as surplus certain real property generally located north of Lakeshore Drive, east of SE 74th Street, and west of Newnans Lake (northern approximately 600 feet of Tax Parcel No. 17945-000-000), and waive the competitive disposition requirement in the City's Real Estate Policies to allow the sale of the property to the adjacent property owners.Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
150913 1  Staff RecommendationBid Award for the Retrofit of Transit Bus Cooling Systems (B) This item involves a request for the City Commission to authorize the bid award to Electric Service and Sales Inc. for the Retrofit of Cooling Systems in forty-four (44) Transit buses in the amount of $1,044,673.50Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
150929. 1  Staff RecommendationGainesville Police Department’s (GPD) Request to Add Staff (B) In continuation with the plan to transform the Gainesville Police Department, this agenda item covers Phase II of the Re-organization process. This phase allows the continuation of establishing a culture of transparency and accountability that builds trust with the citizens of Gainesville. Phase II also attempts to address the City Commission's approved plan to become more Citizen Centered. This phase seeks to build trust both within the department and with the public. Toward that end, it is the intention of GPD’s guiding principle for internal and external policies to embrace a culture of guardianship.Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
150806. 4  Staff RecommendationCITY MANAGER EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (B)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
160019. 1 Promotion of Minority Owned and Minority Oriented Opportunities Special Committee (PMOMOOC) (NB)Discussion ItemPromotion of Minority Owned and Minority Oriented Opportunities Special Committee (PMOMOOC) (B)ReferredPass Action details Not available
150782. 2  Staff RecommendationFire Station Alerting System Replacement Update (B) This item requests that the City Commission authorize the Mayor to send a letter to the Chair of the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners supporting the County’s participation in the Fire Station Alerting Project.Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
100607 14 Acquisition of C. R. Layton United States Army Reserve Center at 1125 Northeast 8th Avenue (B)Discussion ItemPhalanx Defense Systems, LLC - Debt Forgiveness Request (B) The City Commission review the Phalanx Defense Systems, LLC request for debt forgiveness.Approved as AmendedPass Action details Not available
150568. 4  Discussion ItemCitizen Centered Gainesville Quarterly Update (B) This item is a request for the City Commission to receive a presentation on implementation efforts related to Citizen Centered Gainesville. **ESTIMATED STAFF PRESENTATION 20 MINUTES**Heard  Action details Not available
150968. 1  Discussion ItemGainesville’s Historic Depot Building Letter of Intent to Lease (B) This is a request for City Commission approval to execute a Letter of Intent to lease the Historic Depot Building.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
160010. 1  Discussion ItemMayor Lauren Poe - Committee Assignments (B)Approved as AmendedPass Action details Not available
150938. 3  Discussion ItemInterlocal Agreement with Alachua County for Local Option Fuel Tax (B) Section 336.025, Florida Statutes allow counties to impose local option gas tax of one to eleven cents on motor fuel sold in a county, with the revenue generated by such tax to be used by county and municipal governments only for transportation expenditures authorized by law. There are three interlocal agreements with Alachua County identifying the formulas for the distribution of these funds.Approved as AmendedPass Action details Not available
160043. 1 Authority of Mayor to Negotiate Gas TaxDiscussion ItemAuthority of Mayor to Negotiate Gas Tax (NB)ReferredPass Action details Not available
160003. 2  Discussion ItemBus Pass Program for the Homeless (B) This item is a request for the City Commission to consider and approve the proposed financial plan to provide a bus pass program for the residents of GRACE Marketplace and Dignity Village. This would include authorizing staff to participate with the Alachua County Community Transportation Coordinator in a State grant program to provide transportation services for the homeless at the same location.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
160008. 1  ProclamationMemorial Day - May 30, 2016 (B)Heard  Action details Not available
160009. 1  ProclamationMental Health Month - May 2016 (B)Heard  Action details Not available
160044. 1 ITM Group Zoning ComplianceStaff RecommendationITM Treatment Facility (NB) This is a request for the General Policy Committee to discuss an issue that was referred during the May 19, 2016 City Commission meeting.ReferredPass Action details Not available
150418. 2  OrdinanceQUASI-JUDICIAL - REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PD) - 1206 W UNIVERSITY AVENUE (B) ORDINANCE NO. 150418, PETITION NO. PB-15-69PDV An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Zoning Map Atlas by rezoning approximately 0.64 acres of property that is generally located at 1206 W University Avenue, as more specifically described in this ordinance, from Urban Mixed-Use District 2 (UMU-2) to Planned Development District (PD); adopting a PD report with land development regulations; providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
150694. 2  OrdinanceBLUES CREEK PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT (B) ORDINANCE NO. 150694, PETITION NO. PB-15-115 PDA An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Zoning Map Atlas by rezoning to Planned Development District (PD) approximately 36.7 acres of property located at 7000-7800 block of NW 58th Street, as more specifically described in this ordinance and commonly referred to as Blues Creek Unit 5, Phase 2; adopting PD maps, a PD report, and development conditions; providing for enforcement; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Approved (Petition)Fail Action details Not available
160045. 1 Comprehensive Plan and Complete StreetsDiscussion ItemComplete Streets (NB) This is a request for the General Policy Committee to discuss an issue that was referred during the May 19, 2016 City Commission meeting.ReferredPass Action details Not available
160046. 1 Exercise Equipment at Woodland ParkDiscussion ItemGainesville Housing Authority/Woodland Park (NB) This is a request for the General Policy Committee to discuss an issue that was referred during the May 19, 2016 City Commission meeting.ReferredPass Action details Not available

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