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Meeting Name: City Plan Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/22/2016 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Commission Auditorium
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
160384. 1  Discussion ItemCity Plan Board Attendance Roster: April 28, 2016 through August 25, 2016 (B)   Action details Not available
160382. 1  Discussion ItemDraft minutes of the June 23rd & August 25th City Plan Board Meetings (B)   Action details Not available
160386. 1  PetitionRequest for an Extension of a Special Use Permit (SUP) with Development Plan Review to allow the Construction of a 5-Story Apartment Building for the Elderly (B) Petition PB-16-93 SUP. City Plan Board. Parametric Design & Development, agent for Beach 220 LLC, owner. Request for an extension of a Special Use Permit (SUP) with development plan review to allow the construction of a 5-story apartment building for the elderly. Zoned: MU-1 (8-30 units/acre mixed-use low intensity district). Located at 2420 SE Hawthorne Road.   Action details Not available
160388. 1  PetitionSpecial Use Permit with Development Plan Review to allow for the Construction of a Restaurant with a Drive-Through (B) Petition PB-16-94 SUP. eda engineers-surveyors-planners, inc., agent for Joyce and Jennifer, LLC, owner. Special use permit with development plan review to allow for the construction of a restaurant with a drive-through. Zoned: BUS (General business district). Located at 3208 SW Archer Road.   Action details Not available
160387. 1  PetitionSpecial Use Permit with Intermediate Development Plan Review to allow Construction of a New Mixed Use Development with a Residential Density of 25 Additional Dwelling Units Per Acre over the allowable 100 Units Per Acre (B) Petition PB-16-59 SUP. eda engineers-surveyors-planners , Inc., agent for SMLC, LLC, owner. Special use permit with Intermediate development plan review to allow construction of a new mixed use development with a residential density of 25 additional dwelling units per acre over the allowable 100 units per acre. Zoned: UMU-2 (10-100 units/acre and up to 25 additional units/acre by special use permit, urban mixed-use district). Located at 1105 West University Avenue.   Action details Not available
160389. 1  OrdinanceTEXT CHANGE - ADD VETERINARY SERVICES AND ANIMAL SPECIALTY SERVICES AS PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT IN THE AUTOMOTIVE-ORIENTED BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICT (B) Ordinance No. 160389, Petition PB-16-101 TCH An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending Section 30-62 - Automotive-oriented business district (BA) of the Land Development Code (Chapter 30 of the City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances) to add veterinary services and animal specialty services (except veterinary) as permitted uses by right within the BA zoning district; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.   Action details Not available
160398. 1  OrdinanceLAND USE CHANGE - BETWEEN THE 1300 - 1800 BLOCK OF TOWER ROAD (75TH STREET) AND THE 1800 BLOCK OF SW 20TH AVENUE (B) Ordinance No. 160398; Petition No. PB-16-107- LUC An ordinance amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Gainesville Comprehensive Plan by changing the land use category of approximately 157 acres of property that is generally located between the 1300-1800 block of Tower Road (75th Street) and the 1800 block of SW 20th Avenue, as more specifically described in this ordinance, from Alachua County Medium High Density Residential (8-14 DU/acre) and Low Density Residential (1-4 DU/acre) to City of Gainesville Mixed-Use Medium Intensity (12-30 units per acre) (MUM), Mixed-Use Low Intensity (8-30 units per acre) (MUL), Residential Medium-Density (8-30 units per acre) (RM), Residential Low-Density (up to 12 units per acre) (RL), and Single-Family (up to 8 units per acre) (SF); providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.   Action details Not available
160399. 1  OrdinanceQUASI-JUDICIAL - REZONING - BETWEEN THE 1300 - 1800 BLOCK OF TOWER ROAD (75TH STREET) AND THE 1800 BLOCK OF SW 20TH AVENUE (B) Ordinance No. 160399; Petition No. PB-16-108 ZON An ordinance amending the Zoning Map Atlas of the City of Gainesville, Florida, by rezoning approximately 157 acres of property that is generally located between the 1300-1800 block of Tower Road (75th Street) and the 1800 block of SW 20th Avenue, as more specifically described in this ordinance from Alachua County Multiple-family, medium-high density district (8-14 units per acre) (R-2A), and Single-family low density district (1-4 units per acre) (R-1A) to City of Gainesville Mixed use medium intensity district (12-30 units per acre) (MU-2); Mixed use low intensity district (8-30 units per acre) (MU-1); Multiple-family medium density residential district (8-21 units per acre) (RMF-7); Residential low density district (up to 12 units per acre) (RMF-5), and Single-family residential district (up to 8 units per acre) (RSF-4); providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; provi   Action details Not available
160392. 1  PetitionSpecial Use Permit to Allow Food Testing and Research Laboratories at the Gainesville Technology Entrepreneurship Center (Cornerstone, Formerly GTEC) Property (B) Petition PB-16-111 SUP. City Plan Board. Special use permit to allow food testing and research laboratories at the Gainesville Technology Entrepreneurship Center (Cornerstone, formerly GTEC) property. Zoned MU-1: 8-30 units/acre mixed use low intensity. Located at 2153 SE Hawthorne Road.   Action details Not available

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