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Meeting Name: City Plan Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/27/2021 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Auditorium, 200 East University Avenue
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
200651. 4  Staff RecommendationDraft Minutes of the October 28, 2021 City Plan Board Meeting (B)   Action details Not available
201117. 1  Discussion ItemDetermination of status of a legally non-conforming use for a property located in the U8 Transect Zone. Located at 1516 N Main St. Explanation: Per Section 30-10.5 of the City’s Land Development Code, certain nonconforming uses that have been established as a legal nonconforming use may continue indefinitely as long as the use is not abandoned. “Abandoned” means to cease the use for a continuous period equaling or exceeding nine months. City staff, after a review of relevant evidence, has determined that the use at this subject property has been inactive for a continuous period equaling or exceeding nine months and has therefore been abandoned. Consequently, this property may no longer be used for outdoor storage and display. The purpose of this hearing is for the City Plan Board to make a final decision regarding whether or not the use of the property for outdoor storage and display has been abandoned and therefore is no longer permitted. Per Section 30-10.5, the property owner has the burden to present relevant evidence to establish that the use has not been abandoned. Relevant   Action details Not available
210032. 1  OrdinanceLand Use Change - 0.945 Acres of Property Located at the SW Corner Intersection of W University Avenue and SW 12th Street (B) Ordinance No. 210032 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan by overlaying the Planned Use District (PUD) land use category on approximately 0.945 acres of property generally located at the SW corner of the intersection of W University Avenue and SW 12th Street, as more specifically described in this ordinance; providing land development regulations; providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.   Action details Not available
210033. 1  OrdinanceQuasi-Judicial - Rezoning 0.945 Acres of Property Located at the SW Corner Intersection of W University Avenue and SW 12th Street (B) Ordinance No. 210033 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Zoning Map Atlas by rezoning approximately 0.945 acres of property generally located at the SW corner of the intersection of W University Avenue and SW 12th Street, as more specifically described in this ordinance, from Urban 9 (U9) to Planned Development (PD); providing land development regulations; providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.   Action details Not available
210034. 1  OrdinanceQuasi-Judicial - Rezoning 4.1 Acres located at 55 NW 23rd Avenue (B) ORDINANCE NO. 210034 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Zoning Map Atlas by rezoning approximately 4.1 acres of property generally located at 55 NW 23rd Avenue, as more specifically described in this ordinance, from Limited Industrial (I-1) to Warehouse and Wholesaling (W); providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.   Action details Not available
200728. 1  Staff RecommendationText Change - Amending Single-Family Dwelling Infill Sidewalk Regulations in the Land Development Code (B) Ordinance No. 200728 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Land Development Code (Chapter 30 of the City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances) relating to sidewalk construction for single-family dwelling infill; by amending Section 30-6.18. Sidewalks and Shared-Use Bicycle Paths; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.   Action details Not available

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