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Type: Ordinance Status: Adopted
File created: 4/2/2009 In control: City Attorney
On agenda: Final action: 4/16/2009
Title: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT - ALACHUA HEALTH SERVICES STILLPOINT (B) Ordinance No. 0-08-89, Petition No. 115PDA-08PB An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; amending Ordinance No. 3830 amending the Planned Development, commonly known as "Alachua Health Services Stillpoint", generally located in the vicinity of 2730 N.W. 39th Avenue; amending the list of principal permitted uses; adopting a new Development Plan, as more specifically described in this ordinance; adopting new development plan maps and a planned development report; adopting additional conditions and restrictions; repealing the Development Plan approved by Ordinance No. 3830; providing for penalties; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
Attachments: 1. 080565_petition_20081204.pdf, 2. 080565_PDlayoutplanmap_20081204.pdf, 3. 080565A_staff ppt_20081204.PDF, 4. 080565_pet_ppt_20081204.PDF, 5. 080565_ordinance_20090416.pdf
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
4/16/20091 City Commission Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Meeting details Not available
4/2/20091 City Commission Adopted on First Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Meeting details Not available
12/4/20080 City Commission Approved (Petition) with Staff Conditions and Plan Board ModificationsPass Action details Meeting details Not available
Ordinance No. 0-08-89, Petition No. 115PDA-08PB
An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; amending Ordinance No. 3830 amending the Planned Development, commonly known as "Alachua Health Services Stillpoint", generally located in the vicinity of 2730 N.W. 39th Avenue; amending the list of principal permitted uses; adopting a new Development Plan, as more specifically described in this ordinance; adopting new development plan maps and a planned development report; adopting additional conditions and restrictions; repealing the Development Plan approved by Ordinance No. 3830; providing for penalties; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
The Stillpoint Planned Development is on a 1.53-acre parcel located on the north side of NW 39th Avenue.  The purpose of this request is to change the allowed uses on the property.  Currently, the Stillpoint Planned Development specifically restricts the primary use for the site to a chiropractic office.  Other similar uses are allowed, but only as accessory businesses to the chiropractor on the site.  Therefore, an amendment to the planned development is being requested to allow for other health services as a use by right.
Submitted for consideration are a revised PD report and layout map.  The proposed PD Report expands the list of permitted uses on the site, while it simply reiterates the development standards that were originally proposed for this planned development.  The expanded list of permitted uses  include acupuncturist, herbalists, massage therapist, psychotherapist and physical therapists.   The only proposed change to the development standards is to remove a 350 sq. ft. limitation on additions to the primary structure.   The future development of the site will continue to be limited by the maximum building coverage of 3,505 square feet.  Any development that is proposed will require development plan approval, and must be consistent with the approved PD.  The City's Land Development Code will remain applicable in all instances that are not specifically addressed by the PD Report.  The PD layout map simply depicts the same layout that is described in the existing approved PD zoning ordinance.  This layout illustrates the prescribed building setbacks and the locations of existing development, and considers the existing natural features on the site.
Public notice for this petition was published in the Gainesville Sun on October 7, 2008.  Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on October 2, 2008.
The City Plan Board considered Petition 115PDA-08PB with the associated PD report and layout map at a public hearing held October 23, 2008.   By a vote of 6 - 0, the City Plan Board approved the petition with staff conditions and with the further recommendation to revise the Planned Development Report to exclude freestanding emergency medical (M.D.) centers from the uses permitted under S.I.C. No. 8011.
The City Commission, at its meeting of December 4, 2008 authorized the city attorney's office to prepare and advertise the necessary ordinance amending the planned development commonly known as "Alachua Health Services Stillpoint" located within the City of Gainesville.

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