Public Hearing and Resolution for the Regional Transit System (RTS) Program of Projects (POP) for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022 (B)
This item is a request to accept comments at a Public Hearing on the Regional Transit System Program of Projects (POP) for FFY 2022, and adopt a Resolution authorizing the filing of grant applications with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).
On an annual basis, Regional Transit System prepares a Program of Projects (POP) that forms the basis for grant applications submitted to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for funding. This is required to maintain eligibility for federal and state grants. The POP is the list of transit projects proposed to be funded from FTA Section 5307, 5310, 5311 and 5339 programs, and from FDOT state funds. These federal and state programs pay for a variety of eligible transit projects, which can include engineering and design, bus purchases, maintenance and operations, and implementing fixed route service improvements.
For the federal funding, each year, Congress passes legislation which, when signed by the President, appropriates funds for the Department of Transportation and related agencies. The FTA's public transportation assistance program authorization is provided by federal transit law and Chapter 53 of Title 49, U.S. Code. The most recent authorization, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, was signed by President Biden on November 15, 2021, and reauthorizes surface transportation programs for Fiscal Year 2022 through FY 2026. The FFY2022 apportionment of federal funding represents funding allocated for various FTA programs; RTS participation in opportunities tied to federal apportionments is not dependent on City fiscal year timelines or constraints, and applications for FFY2022 federal funds may fall outside of similar City fiscal cycles. This resolution requests authorization for RTS to participate in FFY2022 programs that may span multiple City fiscal years, depending on when those federal funding opportunities utilizing FFY2022 apportionments may become available.
The state funding is made available annually by FDOT, through state budgeting and appropriations processes. Through several different programs designed to support transit agencies, FDOT solicits applications roughly eighteen months prior to actual award. Project selections are based on fund availability, the value returned by transit agency proposals for service and ridership, and overall enhancement of Florida’s transportation services.
The finalization of the POP process requires notice to the public to provide opportunity for comment and input. The POP was published in the Gainesville Sun on April 27, 2022, encouraging citizens to contact RTS with any questions or comments. Citizens may also provide comments at the public hearing during the City Commission meeting. RTS ensures that the final POP incorporates modifications based on input during the public comment opportunities.
Strategic Plan Connection: The Regional Transit System network provides transportation access to many services within our community and supports all five goals in the City’s strategic plan including Equitable Community, A More Sustainable Community, a Great Place to Live and Experience, a Resilient Local Economy, and “Best in Class” Neighbor Services.
Fiscal Note
The revenue for the FFY2022 Program of Projects of $33,719,000 is included in the Transportation Improvement Program approved by the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization.
The City Commission: 1) accept comments at a Public Hearing on the Regional Transit System Program of Projects for FFY 2022; and 2) adopt the Resolution authorizing the Regional Transit System to file grant applications with the Federal Transit Administration and Florida Department of Transportation as outlined in the Program of Projects for FFY 2022.