Request to Release Lien at 1505 NE 19th Lane (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission to consider a lien reduction or rescission for 1505 NE 19th Lane. The property was found in violation of City Ordinances for Yard Maintenance for an Overgrown Vacant Property, Tree Limb Debris and Pest Infestation. A lien was placed on this property that accumulated to $4,050.00 plus administrative costs of $105.08 (paid).
Mr. Mark “Randy” Horne, son of the deceased owner, requested a reduction/rescission of the accumulated fines. Manager Backhaus met with Andrew Persons and Mr. Horne, by phone to discuss the violation and the remedy. Mr. Horne advised that his father was ill for an extended period of time and the house was vacant.
A reduction/rescission hearing was held on September 9, 2021, before the Special Magistrate. Based on information presented, the Magistrate recommended the remaining amount of the lien be reduced to $150.00.
Strategic Connection:
Goal 3: A Great Place to Live and Experience
Fiscal Note
The current lien amounts total $4,050.00. The City estimates approximately $105.08 (paid) in accrued administrative costs.
The City Commission accept the Magistrate’s proposal of a reduction to $150.00 plus administrative costs with no contingencies.