Resolution for Rebuilding Together North Central Florida, Inc., as required by Florida Statutes in order for the Corporation to become an Eligible Sponsor of a Project under the Florida Community Contribution Tax Credit Program (B)
The Florida Community Contribution Tax Credit program (as set forth in Section 220.183, Florida Statutes) provides financial incentives (up to 50% Tax Credit or Sales Tax refund) to encourage businesses to make donations to certain projects undertaken by Eligible Sponsors. In order to apply to become an Eligible Sponsor, the Statute requires the applicant to obtain a resolution from the local government certifying that the project is consistent with local plans and regulations. Rebuilding Together North Central Florida, Inc. has requested this Resolution from the City and has represented to the City that its project, the “Critical Repair Program,” provides repairs and improvements to substandard housing of low-income families with preference given to seniors, veterans, and residents with disabilities in the City of Gainesville, Florida at no cost to the homeowner, to address home safety, security and accessibility issues and allow homeowners to remain in their homes.
Fiscal Note
There is no direct fiscal impact to the City of Gainesville for approving this Resolution.
The City Commission approve the Resolution.