Resolution for Local Agency Program Agreements for Norton Multimodal Trail (B)
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Local Agency Program (LAP) agreement between the City of Gainesville and the Florida Department of Transportation for design and construction of the extension of the Norton multimodal trail from NW 45th Ave (current trail termini) to NW 39th Ave.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) notified the City of funding availability in FY2016-2017 and FY2017-2018 for the design and construction of the multimodal trail between NW 45th Ave and NW 39th Ave. This is in response to the City’s application for funding under the Transportation Alternatives program through the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) dated October 2013.
The project was identified as a priority in the MTPO’s List of Priority Projects and Transportation Improvement Plan. Construction of the project aligns with the City’s strategic framework that seeks to plan for a better future, promote opportunities for all citizens, and to be a community model by providing a mix of facility types that encourage alternative transportation and physical activity.
The City of Gainesville is a FDOT certified local agency. The resolution allows the City to enter into agreements with FDOT to presently fund and implement projects and receive reimbursement when FDOT funding is scheduled. The City is requesting to enter into an agreement with FDOT for design and construction of the Norton Trail project.
Fiscal Note
The project will be funded by FDOT through a LAP agreement for design, construction, and construction engineering and inspection (CEI); a total of $328,800 is available from FDOT in FY2016-2017 and FY2017-2018. In addition, approximately $24,000 is available in TMPA funds to advance the design phase.
The City Commission adopt the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary do...
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