FEMA Public Assistance Grant for Hurricane Irma - Initial Application (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission approval to enter into an agreement with the Florida Department of Emergency Management for reimbursement of eligible Hurricane Irma disaster recovery expenses through a Public Assistance Grant.
FEMA Public Assistance Funding was made available to the City of Gainesville through the Hurricane Irma Federal Disaster declaration. The Florida Department of Emergency Management (FDEM) is responsible for administering the grant agreement. The grant to local government is for debris removal, emergency protective measures and repair or replacement of disaster damaged facilities. The City of Gainesville has nine projects being considered under this grant program. Five projects have been approved for reimbursement. The grant agreement will be modified at a later date to include additional approved projects.
Fiscal Note
Under the agreement the City will receive reimbursement for qualifying expenses. The source of the local match for debris removal will be the undesignated Solid Waste Fund Balance, The source of the local match for emergency protective measures will be from Departmental Operating Budgets. The source of the local match for the repair or replacement of disaster damaged facilities will be the undesignated Stormwater Utility Fund balance.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the Florida Department of Emergency Management Public Assistance Agreements and all related documents, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.