Thelma Boltin Center Renovations Design Services - Authorization to Enter into a Design Services Agreement with Wannemacher Jensen Architects, Inc. (B)
The Thelma Boltin Center is an historic building and an active City recreation center. The building was last renovated in 1999 and is due for comprehensive updates. In an effort to bring the facility to current standards and to maximize its public use, the General Policy Committee approved on August 22, 2019 a building renovation scope and directed staff to negotiate design and engineering services for the development of construction documents for the selected renovation scope.
The City Commission approved a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) solicitation on May 21, 2020 and authorized staff to negotiate with Wannemacher Jensen Architects, Inc. (WJA) for design and engineering services for the development of construction documents for the Thelma Boltin Center renovation. This will be a Design/Bid/Build project and the City of Gainesville will issue an Invitation to Bid once the design is complete.
City Staff negotiated with WJA to ensure their proposal included all costs associated with the proposed design and was in sufficient detail to evaluate the price breakdown of each individual task. In addition, the proposal was compared to the Florida Department of Management Services Fee Calculator to ensure compliance with state guidelines on the cost of architectural design services. City Staff recommends accepting the proposal from WJA in the amount of $214,380.
The Architect will submit progress documents at the Schematic Design (30%), Design Development (60%) and Construction Documents (90%) phases for City Staff to review and approve. Each phase should take 2 months with a total development timeline of approximately 7 months including City Staff review time.
Additional expenses for permit fees and asbestos testing will also be needed to move this project forward so a total of $235,000 i...
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