Approval and Adoption of the 2018-2022 Five-Year Consolidated Plan for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), including an updated Citizen Participation Plan, and the 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan for the City of Gainesville (B)
The purpose of this item is to approve and adopt the City’s 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan, including an updated Citizen Participation Plan for the CDBG and HOME Programs, and the 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan. The Consolidated Plan outlines the CDBG and HOME program goals and objectives over a five year time period. The Annual Action Plan identifies specific projects to accomplish the goals and objectives stated in the Consolidated Plan.
Each year the City of Gainesville (City) receives CDBG and HOME funds through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The CDBG and HOME Program funds have been used for projects in a variety of activities including housing, community development and public services. In order to qualify for CDBG and HOME Program entitlement funding from HUD, the City is required to adopt a Five-Year Consolidated Plan for HUD approval and to annually submit an Action Plan outlining the uses of funds for that year. Preparation and adoption of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan is a requirement for the City to receive funds through the CDBG and HOME Programs.
The Consolidated Plan contains an assessment of the housing and community development needs of the City of Gainesville, including a strategic plan for addressing the identified needs. The strategic plan portion of the document identifies potential funding sources, establishes general priorities for funding, and addresses other actions which the City will undertake during the five-year period. The Consolidated Plan also contains a specific one-year Action Plan for the use of CDBG and HOME Program funds. The Annual Action Plan specifically describes how t...
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