Streetlight Asset Transfer from General Government to Gainesville Regional Utilities (B)
This item is a request to transfer ownership of 620 roadway and pedestrian lighting units from General Government (GG) to Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU). GG installed the majority of the units as part of an initiative to utilize light emitting diode (LED) fixtures, prior to GRU’s implementation of LED fixtures. GG’s ownership of public streetlights is contrary to Section 27-29, City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances, which requires ownership of the public streetlight system to reside with the City’s utilities department. In addition to establishing compliance with the Code of Ordinances, this transfer will improve efficiency and minimize response time for outages by eliminating the uncertainty of the responsible agency as it pertains to streetlight maintenance. The fiscal impact of this transfer is expected to be $300,000 annually, which includes costs for electricity and comprehensive asset management (routine maintenance, repairs, replacements, utility locates, etc.); the current funding structure does not take into account comprehensive asset management and the GRU rate structure does which is the basis of the budget increase.
The Public Works Department submitted a funding increment to be included in the FY23 budget to cover the additional costs of the transfer if approved.
Strategic Connection
The transfer program meets Goal 3: A Great Place to Live and Experience and Goal 5: “Best in Class” Neighbor Services of the City’s Strategic Plan.
Fiscal Note
The anticipated fiscal impact is $300,000 annually and a budget increment is included in the FY23 General Fund Operating Budget to fund the operational costs of the transfer.
The General Policy Committee: 1) approve the transfer of streetlight assets; and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all necessary documents for the transfer of streetligh...
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