RFQ Recommended Award for Cultural Arts Center Planning (B)
At the March 17, 2022 General Policy Committee meeting, the City Commission directed the City Manager to move forward with the solicitation of an external cultural facility specialist to begin the research, neighbor and stakeholder engagement for a cultural arts center to be located in East Gainesville.
On April 8, 2022, the City’s Procurement Division released a Request for Qualifications for this project. The solicitation closed on May 6, 2022 at 3 PM and the City received six responses, one of which was non-responsive. The five firms that were evaluated are: AMS Planning and Research Corp., Arts Consulting Group, Keen Independent Research LLC, Wannemacher Jensen Architects, Inc., and Webb Management. The evaluation committee, consisting of four community builders, met on May 24, 2022 to review and evaluate the proposals. The top three vendors were invited for oral presentations which were held on June 29, 2022. Through this process AMS Planning and Research Corp. (AMS) was evaluated as the top ranked firm due to its extensive experience with strategic, operational, and financial planning and implementation of arts and cultural facilities. AMS has also specifically worked on successful cultural arts projects in the State of Florida, including the Adrienne Arsht Center, South Dade Cultural Center, Little Haiti Cultural Center, and Lyric Theater; and is currently working on the Gulfshore Playhouse project and a feasibility study for a new arts and events center in Panama City, Florida. AMS also clearly demonstrated its ability to work with both diverse and culturally specific populations. Webb Management Services, Inc. was ranked second and Arts Consulting Group was ranked third.
Fiscal Note:
The proposed contractual cost for this engagement is $190,000 with funding for this project set aside from the American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Revenue Replacement allocation.
Strategic Connection:
Goal 1: Equitable Community
Goal 3: A Great Place to Live and Experience
The City Commission 1) Approve the ranking of the firms as recommended by the evaluation committee, 2) Authorize the Interim City Manager, or designee, to negotiate and execute a contract with AMS Planning and Research, Corp., the first ranked firm, or if no contract agreement can be reached with them to negotiate and execute a contract with the next ranked firm subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.