Draft Ordinance to Create Permit Requirements for Residential Rental Units and to Adopt the International Property Maintenance Code and Related Recommendations from the Rental Housing Subcommittee (B)
The City Commission discuss the draft ordinance and related recommendations from the Rental Housing Subcommittee.
One of the recommendations of the Rental Housing Subcommittee was to create a rental housing code that would require an annual permit, inspections and minimum energy efficiency, life safety and property maintenance standards be met with respect to residential rental units within the City (excluding Public Lodging Establishments as defined by and regulated under State law.) On July 25, 2019, the General Policy Committee moved all recommendations of the Rental Housing Subcommittee to the City Commission and directed the City Attorney to draft an ordinance creating a rental housing code to be brought to the Commission for discussion. Since that time, the City Manager, City Attorney, Code Enforcement (now Sustainable Development) and GRU Energy Efficiency staff have worked together to draft the ordinance that is included in the back-up to this agenda item.
In preparing the ordinance, staff brings the following to the Commission's attention:
1) Energy Efficiency Ratings: Staff noted that the motion from the May 28th Rental Housing Subcommittee Meeting reflects a recommendation that an energy efficiency rating be done every eight years on each rental unit, using the H.E.S. systems or equivalent with duct testing, and that staff return with duct leakage standards. However, based on the Chair's report and the discussion at the July 25th General Policy Committee, staff was unclear whether the Commission desired to make this a requirement. Staff has concern regarding the effectiveness, cost and availability as energy efficiency audits vary depending on the region and depth of service, typically from around $300 - $8...
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