Vacate public right-of-way in the 1300 block of SW 5th Avenue (B)
Petition PB-18-27 SVA. Eda engineers-surveyors-planners, inc., agent for SMLC, LLC. Request to vacate approximately 0.3 acres of public right-of-way in the 1300 block of SW 5th Avenue, east of SW 13th Street.
The purpose of this request is to vacate a segment of the SW 5th Avenue right-of-way on the east side of SW 13th Street. The right-of-way to be vacated is approximately 0.3 acres in size and extends 210 feet to the east of SW 13th Street and 70 feet to the south along SW 13th Street. This right-of-way area is adjacent on its north side to a former fraternity house and to a small, public pedestrian plaza on its south side. This right of way area is currently used for a single-lane, one-way street with diagonal parking on the north, and on the south as a part of the small pedestrian plaza that extends beyond it to the realigned segment of two-lane SW 5th Avenue (Inner Road) to the south.
Vacation of this segment of the SW 5th Avenue right-of-way will facilitate redevelopment of the former fraternity property into a planned mid-rise, mixed-use development. As stated in the application for this right-of-way vacation, “the developer’s intent is to repurpose the vacated right-of-way area to eliminate vehicular use of the areas and preserve and expand the pedestrian plaza by connecting the proposed development with the existing CRA plaza area.”
This proposed right-of-way vacation will eliminate an intersection that does not meet City and State of Florida spacing standards.
Fiscal Note
Staff to City Plan Board - Continue Petition PB-18-27 SVA at the request of the applicant to the August 23, 2018 meeting of the City Plan Board.